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Wroom Wroom driving busy board


Kids Montessori Toy Multi functional Interactive Cognition Busy Board Wooden Dashboard Steering Wheel Pretend Play Driving Toys
Material : solid wood,plywood
Size : 29.5*20.5*1.7cm
Package : paper box

15 in stock



A wooden driving busy board is a creative and engaging toy designed to stimulate a

child’s imagination and fine motor skills. Typically made from high-quality wood, it features a variety of interactive elements such as knobs, switches, buttons, and gears, all resembling components of a car’s dashboard or a busy street scene. These elements may include:

1. Steering wheel: A wooden wheel that can be turned, giving the child a sense of control.

2. Sliding beads: Colorful beads on a maze-like track for sliding, promoting hand-eye coordination.

3. Rotating gears: Gears that can be turned to create movement and teach cause-and-effect relationships.

4. Buttons and switches: Pushable

buttons and switches that mimic the functions of a car’s controls, offering tactile feedback.

5. Latches and locks: Mini doors with latches and locks to encourage problem-solving and fine motor skills.

6. Horn or horn-like buttons: Fun sound-making elements to engage a child’s auditory senses.

7. Mini mirrors: Small mirrors that allow the child to explore their reflection.

8. Numbers and shapes: Some boards incorporate numbers, letters, or shapes for early educational value.

The wooden driving busy board encourages open-ended play, sparking a child’s creativity as they imagine themselves behind the wheel of a car or navigating through a bustling town. It’s not only entertaining but also educational, helping children develop essential skills while having fun. These boards are typically well-crafted and durable, making them a long-lasting addition to a child’s playroom


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